Mistakes of the past - an open word
The certification process itself can generally be seen as a low-cost external form of process optimization, but also as an external impulse that requires internal change, and thus has several advantages:
• Quality or safety review according to proven criteria by a recognized testing laboratory.
• Quality improvement through detection and elimination of defects.
• Internal confirmation of the quality or safety properties by the independent certification body.
• A certificate documents the quality and safety features vis-à-vis third parties
• and increases the reputation and market success (marketing effect).
The current empirical studies on this topic come to such contradictory statements that only the following remains as certain knowledge: There are companies that apply the standard in a "right" way, which will certainly have many positive effects. But there are also companies for whom the certification was detrimental, or simply did not work at all. These complain about the increase in bureaucratization and the internal resource consumption of the certification, which stands in stark disproportion to the benefit. However, they hardly complain about the costs. These companies are often said to have misunderstood or misapplied the standard. What is right and what is wrong, there is a strong dispute. Q-auditors will bring all our experience to build an effective state-of-the-art system for you.